Tuesday 25 October 2011

Configuring a netapp HA Pair / Cluster

So this is very very straight forward , I've done this in the netapp sim you can get from now.netapp.com , or maybe other sources too.
You'll need to download the sim , uncompress it  and the run the setup as it is shown in the screenshot below.
For this example we gonna use
Larry(node1) :

I've highlighted the critical bits of the setup , but this is just a 10 minutes setup to you to play .
So i randomly came up with 20 drives but again you can use as many as you like

The next steps are still quite simple ,  setting up hostname (Larry for this example) , ip address for larry ( , and one IMPORTANT bit is the ip address that larry will take over when moe goes down  (in other words Moe's ip address)

Clustering license is mandatory otherwise the CF features won't be allowed ,  I've also enabled multistore for latter use:

Here is when you can see my bloogging lack of experience ...hahaha i've selected the text before taking a screenshot ... well it isn't too bad anyways

We'll create an aggregate on larry and this will be our media example that we want to "failover" moe.

So simply aggr create NAME -t RAIDTYPE # (number of disks)
There's also highlighted some commands to check the status of the aggregate.

So what we have until now is , two netapp nodes set up to be an HA pair and one aggregate .
We've added the licenses so now we will need to enable the features  ,  to do so simply do
"cf enable"
If you log in to Moe you'll be able to see that CF will also be enabled if you do "cf status"
We initiate the take over as simple as "cf takeover", you can open another window and ping larry's ip address to see if there's any packet loss.

Once that's done the PROMPT on moe will change saying that it had taken over larry .

You can access the larry by executing "partner" , and then you will be able to access everything.

Well , setting this up is very very simple , have a go at it and comment if you think this was useful.
cf giveback to "giveback" :) , enjoy.

PS:if you need more linceses : http://communities.netapp.com/thread/2463

Next one I'll try to post something about multistore , why to use it etc etc

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