Tuesday 1 November 2011

Netapp Monitroing , the quick way

Hello dear readers , ok so monitoring it's a complex matter i mean you can make it as complex as you'd like but we need to start from somewhere right?

So to me makes sense to monitor 3 basic things:

  • Is the box up?
  • How's the CPUs are doing?
  • What about space ? (specially in aggr0 , you know what happens if aggr0 fills up?)
We will be using snmp , i guess you could do the same thing over SSH but for the sake of this example we will use SNMP v2 (SecurityNotMyProblem).

You can easily enable snmp from either Netapp System Manager or from the console by doing:

(by default netapp comes with snmp enabled (RO) and the comunity string is "public")

Now the next thing is test it up so I'm gonna be using snmpwalk and get from net-snmp tools , you can easily install this in ubuntu by doing..

Great so we have a client that can do SNMP requests and also a server that can respond to these requests , let's test it out:

Great! it's working , it will take you a bit of time to make sense of all of these OIDs but you'll get the idea in further articles.

If you go a download the NETAPP-MIB from http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1075 , you can open it with any text editor and start to play with it a little bit .. for instance lets do a request for the cpu busy time:

So that interger 5 is the % of time the cpu spent busy ... i know it doesn't look very descriptive at the moment but you could use this information to plot graphs and other things...

We will do that in the next article 

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